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Black beans sauce recipe. Remember you can use any type of dried beans you like. Haitians also like to use red, white, and pinto beans to name a few.

Prep time: 1.5 hoursblack beans sauce


  • Black dried beans (1 Lb)
  • Water (15 Cups)
  • Olive oil (1 Tsp)
  • Salt (1 Tsp)
  • Maggi (1/2 Tablet)
  • Garlic cloves (10)
  • Habanero pepper poked cloves (1 )
  • Cloves (4)
  • Green onion (1)
  • Thyme and Parsley (tied together) – (2 sprigs each)
  • Bell pepper (green) (1/4 pepper)
  • Lily/Ti Malice cooking butter (1 Tbsp.)


  • Wash beans and add water, oil, salt in a large pot and cook for 45 minutes on medium heat. You can use any type of dried beans you like. If a pressure cooker is used then cook beans for about 25 minutes. Let the beans cool off before blending.
  • In a blender add half the beans and the water used to cook the beans, all the garlic and green onion. Blend for 2-3 minutes until it’s smooth and creamy. You can strain the beans but you don’t have to. You can simply transfer everything from the blender back to the pot with the rest of the beans.
  • Add the Maggi, cloves and habanero pepper, green pepper, thyme and parsley tied together, and cooking butter. We poke the habanero pepper with the cloves so we can remove all the cloves when the food is ready. Cloves do not taste very good so this is only done so you do not eat one by accident. Stir and allow to cook for 15 minutes. Taste to make sure the salt is sufficient.
  • Once the black beans sauce is done, it should be creamy, not too thick and not watery. Remove the habanero pepper (with cloves), thyme and parsley.

*Served with white rice, meat sauce, and legume.

Serving: 6-8 people.